Saturday, August 29, 2015

Are you having trouble trying to run websites that use Java, Silverlight and other plug-ins with Chrome? That's likely because Google is using heavy-handled tactics to turn them off!  They are systemically breaking the Internet with this arrogant decision.  It should be our choice not theirs!
"In September 2015 we will remove the override and NPAPI support will be permanently removed from Chrome. Installed extensions that require NPAPI plugins will no longer be able to load those plugins.  For more details on the timeline, including guidance for NPAPI plugin developers, see the NPAPI deprecation guide. With each step in this transition, we get closer to a safer, more mobile-friendly web."
See this article for more information about Chrome's plans:  The Final Countdown for NPAPI

Firefox will continue to support NPAPI plugins and I suggest using that browser going forward.  If you are in the US, you can download the latest version here.  Works great with Windows 10!

This article from gHacks is recommended for more information.

-- Michael

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sunset For EZ-Filing

CIN Legal has unceremoniously killed off EZ-Filing bankruptcy software. Earlier this week they notified customers that the software will no longer be supported or updated after November 30, 2015. I have used EZ-Filing in my practice for well over ten years and it has generally served me well for dozens of clients. CIN wants lawyers to move to their other, most costly software packages. Details about the transition can be found here.

When I purchased EZ-Filing, it was not affiliated with CINLegal. EZ-Filing Inc. and CINLegal got married in 2012. At the time they announced working together, EZ-Filing wrote, "We here at EZ-Filing, Inc. truly appreciate our on-going relationship with you and assure you that nothing substantive will change going forward with The CINgroup ... We are here to serve you and will continue to be here for the long-term." UH-HUH ... I don't know about you, but three years is not what I consider "long term." The writing may have been on the wall the entire time. It always seemed weird to me, around the same time CIN also started business relationships with Best Case and CINCompass. And more recently they acquired the assets of New Hope Software Inc. who until recently also published bankruptcy software. I don't understand why CIN would really want or need four bankruptcy software solutions under their banner. Two are now defunct. I have to wonder if Best Case is next in a "power play" to force everyone to their web based product Compass. I don't like how all this played out. As an attorney, I appreciate when I have more options when it comes to necessary software in my practice, not less. And I hardly think this makes the market more competitive. The cost of bankruptcy software already is exorbitant.

Any any rate, I am now forced to shop for new software and I am not looking forward to learning it. There was a time, back in the days of DOS when I used to enjoy endlessly playing around with all kinds of different software. These days, I mostly just want to get work done. Computers are not as fun for me as they used to be. Earlier this afternoon I spent a couple hours looking around at the dwindling bankruptcy software options for attorneys. I compiled a list with some notes about the current prices. I know many others are in the same boat so I decided to share my research here. I'd love to hear comments about the best option for solos and others will a small practice. Good luck in your search!

-- Michael

PS. Sunset photo credit to Geek Philosopher - lots of great stock photos, wallpaper etc.


Bankruptcy Software for Attorneys
Blankrupter 4.9 Bankruptcy Filing Software;cluster_id=154900
CD Version for unlimited use (Chapter 7, 11, 12, 13), single user $750, add user $99.95, 5 users network $1195
Single case bankruptcy filing - $55 per case, 5 cases $49, 10 cases $42.50
annual maintenance - single user $250, added user $35, 5 user $365
upgrade fees also listed between $300-450 depending on age of version

Best Case
Single User (1 atty 1 support worker from one office location, no network) - 7 only $1095, 7&13 $1295, 7-11-12-13 $1495.
Multi-User - everyone in office from one location - 3 users on LAN - 7 only $1595, 7&13 $1795, all $1995

CIN Compass (web based)
Chrome browser issues - may be fixed September 2015
Saves 5% with annual subscriptions
Tier One - $75 month ($855 annual) - 0 to 2 filings for month
Tier Two - $100 month ($1140 annual) - 3 - 5 per month
Tier Three - $150 month ($1710 annual) - 6 - 10 per month
Tier Four - $300 month ($3420 annual) - 11-20 per month
Tier Five - $500 month ($5700 annual) - 21-50 per month
All include Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 (includes local Chap 13 plans)
Unlimited User Accounts

Legal Pro
5 Case License - $195 - local install with 1 computer (7,11,12,13) within a 5 year period.
Full License - $495 for Chapter 7 only, $995 for 7,11,12,13 - unlimited cases for one workstation ($150 extra workstations)

Law Firm Software - unknown name of software
Single Use Bankruptcy Software ("One month License"- save print and file within one month) - $89
Chapter 7 only - $299 - annual renewal unknown
Chapter 7, 11, 13 - $429. Annual renewal just $199
*Note - "promo" prices listed - unknown when it goes "off" promo, if ever.

Legal Pro Cloud Platform
$195 - Five Cases for $195, no set up fees, no time limit, 2 users, add IGotNotices for $295 yr., limited phone support
$49 monthly, no set up, pay yearly get 2 mos. free, unlimited users, 100 annual filings then $6 a case, add IGN for $395, free priority phone support
$99 monthly, no set up, pay annual get 2 mos. free, unlimited users, 250 annual filings then $4 a case
$250 monthly, 1000 annual filings then $1

Next Chapter (100% Cloud Based)
Starter - 1 to 4 filings per mo. -$59 - no set up fee or monthly fee
Grow - 5-24 per mo. $149 - per month + 10 for filing.
Hero - 25+ per mo. $699 per month - unlimited filing.
No minimum contracts, no set up fees, no cancellation fees.

National Law Firms Bankruptcy Case Software
$429 "promo price" (unknown ending date if ever) - includes 1 year of updates.
Works for Chapters 07, 11, 13
Software can be used on up to three computers
Annual license fee is $199 after first year
Demo lets you try b4 you buy. Support via phone or web.

TopForm by FastCase
Single User with updates - $1276
Network 2-20 with updates - $1869
Higher user options available
Version 14.0 is latest
Annual cost is unknown

WBank (Puritas Springs Software)
$199 - handles Chapter 7, 11, 12, 13
Version 8.10 is latest.

NOTE: Information, prices and personal notes were current on 08.12.15 and subject to change at any time. I tried to be as accurate as possible in compiling this list, but it could contain errors and omissions. Prospective users should investigate the features and prices of each publisher directly on the links provided.

If you are aware of any other bankruptcy software for attorneys, please tells us in the comments! Corrections, updates and clarifications are welcome in the comments as well.


Dead Bankruptcy Software (now or very soon to be)

Law Disks Bankruptcy Disk


Lamson Tech

New Hope Software Inc.

Ez-Filing (discontinued after November 2015)

Thompson West (Legal Solutions)

Lexis-Nexis TopForm
Status of this software is unknown - but appears to be dead - no current information about features/ordering

Bankruptcy Master
Appears dead - no software appears to be offered. Unknown status
Appears dead - I couldn't find any mention of bankruptcy software for sale on this site.

Moving to Blogger

I am moving this blog over to Blogger.

You'll find my new post about EZ-Filing (and New Hope) options there.

I used to love Xanga, but I don't feel the leap to WordPress is going well. Xanga seems to be a ghost town now and there doesn't seem to be any support. I don't know if anything is happening behind the scenes, but if there is, development is going way too slow. My site was imported, but the main display is messed up. The profiles are gone also. I think it was a mistake to try and move to WordPress. =(